“Sales” is very much about Character…

We are all know that “sales” or selling is a talent possessed by only a few people. Often salespeople misinterpret this ability specifically to being friendly and social. While these qualities are important, you need more than that – you need something called Character. Character establishes the level of dependency your prospects associate you with.

The very first item on the sales-person’s agenda should be to gain trust. Trust establishes the depth of relationships. To be able to gain trust, people need to demonstrate character. In my experience, character is shaped by several forces, let’s call it drivers. If we want to develop a Leadership character that is trustworthy then we need to give attention to three key behavioral drivers.

1.  Quality of Input

To shape good character, we must be very attentive to the kind of knowledge and values we imbibe. Such input should be of the highest quality. It can affect us in deep and profound ways. It is the raw material out of which our character is formed.

One of the best ways to get good quality input by reading books / content over Internet, listening to podcasts and attending good conferences.

2.  The Relationships

Character is influenced through our relationships. Someone said that “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” I believe this to be true — so we have to be extremely selective about the people we choose to be associated with.

Often, the people you develop new relationships with, seek to learn more about  you through other people’s references and experiences. They are implicitly seeking to know your character. If you are often seen in gambling houses, you will be presumed  to be a person with no respect of money or with no sense of responsibility to family/society.

Be with people who add to the traits you want to build. Dissociate from people who reinforce your worst traits. Be aware that “Bad Company corrupts good character”. None of us can afford relationships that pull us down.

3.   Our Habits

Lastly, character is affected by habits. Habits are the consistent ways we think, speak, and act in different situations. They are mostly unconscious, which is what gives them their power—both positive and negative.

Good habits lead to good outcomes. If we develop the habit of praising people in public, for example, it contributes to healthy relationships. If we develop the habit of positive thinking, it can help us cope with adversity and if we make healthy food choices, it can increase our energy, improve our productivity.

But bad habits usually have the opposite impact.

Cultivation of our own character is more important ,in the long-term, to selling.

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